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Time and quality in the results of SEO and SEM strategies

Among other elements that make differences between SEO and SEM, it is found that the time needed in SEO is much greater. Within this strategy, work requires more effort and slower progress. That depends on the quality and techniques that are implemented and how little by little the web page rises in the search engine results.

However, the fruits obtained by SEO have greater value in the long term, even for users, because a certain prestige and trust are formed.

On the other hand, SEM positioning achieves results in much shorter times, without so much effort. Of course, it is important to clarify that it also requires technical knowledge and experience so as not to waste the budget.


In the case of the content that must be positioned in each SEO and SEM strategy, it differs in several aspects.

In SEO, original content must be achieved and with a degree of extension that allows to develop well what is being expressed, without neglecting the quality and relevance today. Extensive content, but that it is only filler, will make organic positioning very difficult.

But if we talk about SEM, the content is more related to relevance and commercial focus, since conversion is mostly sought with this type of strategy. In addition, it must be a short and very direct content that encourages the user to acquire what is offered.

Measurement and analysis

A key factor for a marketing strategy is the ability to constantly measure development, to adjust what is deficient and obtain better results.

In this case, the difference between SEO and SEM is, on the one hand, in SEO, we can analyze the positioning of our website through the SEO AUDIT. An SEO audit will give us very relevant information about user traffic, positioned keywords, domain authority, backlinks, etc.

However, in the case of SEM, the different platforms that offer this paid positioning service provide all the tools to carry out a correct and accurate measurement of conversions, clicks, cost per click, CTR, etc. All this offers us some very useful data to know if our SEM strategy is on the way to success or if there are deviations.

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