Computing and Gadget, Consumer Electronic, Development, Service & Support, Information and Reviewers, Technology Sectors, Website & Design

What are the phases of CRO marketing and how are they developed?

There is no perfect formula to develop a CRO process on our website, but we can take into account the elements that function as development phases, in the use of the strategy.

Analyze your website

Before starting, and starting to make your CTAs more striking, or activate any other strategy, you must analyze and study the current situation of your website.

For example, in this phase you should analyze the User Experience (UX), and the User Interface (UI), these influence the user connection process, which is why they must be analyzed. In this case, study if the loading time is correct, if the navigation is easy, and if the blocks or structure follow a logical order. In addition to always observing that the design is attractive and functional.

Keep in mind that you may not be receiving the conversions you expected, and this is because you are carrying out strategies without first doing the respective study on the website.

review the information

Many times the information displayed is not communicated correctly, and therefore we prevent the conversion rate from increasing. In this regard, I recommend that the real information of what we want the user to acquire is clear, credible, sufficient, and of course with a call to action that tells the user what to do.

Set conversion goals

Within any marketing strategy, objectives are essential, and in this process they do not stop being so.

At this point we already have the necessary information so that from this base, we can begin to establish realistic objectives to be achieved in X period of time.

Perform A/B tests

Once we have all the previous points done, it is time to start changing certain elements of the website to see how users interact and thus be able to compare it with the previous functionality or design. You can do it manually or through tools such as Google Optimize (this one in particular is free) where it will allow you to test several changes of the same element together with the original along with other tests in order to progress more quickly.

Keep in mind not to have more than 3-4 active tests per device at a time, since otherwise you may not have enough traffic to draw more conclusive conclusions and you may have to wait longer to make a decision.

Keep increasing traffic

Finally, and while the tests from the previous step are “working”, focus on capturing more and more traffic… since the more traffic the tests get, the faster you can implement the changes and achieve the objectives set.

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