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Most effective types of sales funnels

There are different aspects that can be combined in the process of creating a sales funnel, these lead to the variants of this system. Each of the types of funnels has characteristics that are more or less important depending on the product and the interest in selling or contracting it. Discover each one of them.

Lead capture funnel

First of all, it is necessary that you understand what a “lead” is, it is determined in this way, to the contact information of a client. In this type of funnel, a strategy is used that consists of offering a free resource to obtain customer data. For example, an ebook referring to the services offered by your company.

It is considered a funnel that works quickly, since the potential client already shows interest in the subject in a certain way. The attraction can be generated by organic publications or advertising on social networks.

Lead nurturing funnels

For this type of funnel, it is necessary to have certain elements that will be offered to potential clients and that help to classify them. This usually begins with an email that lets you know if the potential customer has any interest in the product. Once the first click is given, he is determined as a person of interest.

Subsequently, and with the intention of making it advance within the sales funnel, seeking to finalize the sale, they are offered certain benefits for advancing. This makes it possible to generate a very well-established database that helps to know how interested the public is in the product.

sales funnel

Generally associated with one of the two previous types, the sales funnel is responsible for obtaining leads, after the sale is completed. It is a system that is based on remarketing, helping to direct the customer towards the products in the company’s catalog, which may generate some interest.

This type of funnel usually uses the information provided by the customer at the time of purchase. This helps to redirect to him, a type of marketing focused on his interests, which is an excellent way to encourage purchases.
Sales funnel phases

There are different aspects that can be combined in the process of creating a sales funnel, these lead to the variants of this system. Each of the types of funnels has characteristics that are more or less important depending on the product and the interest in selling or contracting it. Discover each one of them.

The different phases of the sales funnel are decisive when it comes to understanding the proper functioning of this business tool. Each of them determines the application of certain factors that may help the client move between them until the objective is met.

Funnel Stop (TOFU)

The initial stage of the sales funnel and that, in a certain way, should be the most qualified to avoid the loss of leads. At this point, the interested party has to become a potential client. This must be done through strategies that in a certain way make the user understand that they have a problem and that the product in question can solve it.

When applied to web pages, for example, within the TOFU there are themes that very subtly indicate that your company has solutions. In a certain way, the focus of this point is the creation of a relationship of trust. Posts can be used in a blog where you help the user to learn about your products.

Medium of the funnel (MOFU)

The middle of the funnel is the best time to encourage the user to discover the different options and products that you can offer. It should be noted that, at this point, the user is already aware of their problem and is usually focused on finding a solution. This is where a plan must be created to help redirect said interest.

It is necessary to emphasize that the arrival of a potential customer at this point does not ensure a purchase. Bearing this in mind, it will be necessary for the content offered; Help demonstrate why the company is a good fit and what makes it stand out in the marketplace. This builds trust and ushers in the next phase of the funnel.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

When the time comes, the user has to decide if the service offered is the most suitable for the solution he is looking for. This type of content is usually located within the main web page and not in blogs or advertisements. At this point you must maintain the interest of the user, so that the decision is in favor of the product in question.

In a way, this part of the sales funnel must depend on the previous two, which are responsible for generating interest and trust. All that remains is to finalize the details to achieve an efficient purchase that, at some point, may become future purchases and recommendations.

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