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How to apply Lead Nurturing in your digital strategy?

Using Lead Nurturing in our online strategy requires some steps that are necessary:

Know how the purchase process works

The first thing you should know is what the purchase process is like and how it works. Although this strategy is based on customer support to retain a purchase, then it is necessary to know what the process is like, depending on the product of your brand or company.

It is important to keep in mind that it does not always work the same, there are products where the purchase decision is much faster.
Define your goals

The process of applying this digital strategy must be accompanied by well-defined objectives. In this sense, before using it you must be clear about what you want to achieve.

It is advisable to be clear about the characteristics of your objectives, which are always specific, achievable, and concrete. These must be linked to the user’s purchase cycle, and can vary in terms of what is needed; for example, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase, or receiving advice.

Who is it for?

In this case, you just have to know your potential customer well, and know what he needs. If you know well who you are going to address, then the rest will be easier.

Offer valuable content

In the midst of the strategy, content marketing is essential. And it is that there is no way to accompany your potential customers, if they are not offered a series of communications that stimulate their interaction and relationship with the company.

Quality content is essential in all digital marketing strategies, but in Lead Nurturing it is essential; Well, it is the method that you will use to engage your audience, and accompany them in the purchase or registration process.

In this step it is essential that the content, in addition to being creative, is personalized, and responds to the needs of the client. You can use persuasive techniques, without losing focus on consolidating the relationship between the user and the company.

Likewise, it is important to know the user’s purchase phases and know when you will add the valuable content, keep in mind that at first the client may not be sure.

The content can be segmented according to the stage where the user is.

Design a segmentation plan

With firm and robust data, the segmentation process will have valid criteria. This is the step we take in order to connect with each client, through appropriate content.

Segmentation is done in the middle of digital campaigns; they display which messages can be adapted to each user. In addition to that, it is evaluated in which phase of the purchase cycle the user is, to send the ideal content that arouses their interest.

Schedule the messages that go to the user

Once you have segmented the valuable content, another interesting step is to schedule the messages that will be sent.

In this step you can make use of different channels, generally in this technique it works that the message is transmitted through email marketing, and social networks.

Improve user experience

Having an effective presence in your social networks, maintaining your online reputation, and optimizing all your connection channels, including your website, will improve the user experience, and this element is essential for a more effective lead nurturing strategy.

Loyalty purchase

If the lead has reached the purchase process, congratulations! You have managed to use a good Lead Nurturing strategy; yes, as we mentioned before, the work does not end here.

Once your client has already made the purchase, the next step is to reinforce the actions to relate it to your brand; and make the relationship hold for future offers. This is the way in which they can use your brand to recommend to third parties, and continue consuming your products.

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