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Clickbait: What is it and how does it work?

Clickbait, its translation in Spanish is “clickbait”; a digital marketing technique based on writing, which aims to generate traffic to our website, through sensational titles.

What is Clickbait?

To give a more concise definition, we can say that clickbait is a writing technique that is based on the creation of eye-catching titles, which make the user click on the link and open the content.

It is a very effective technique, since it allows us to increase visits to our website, and in turn, increase advertising revenue.

Using it effectively, supported by relevant and verified content, can be a more than interesting technique to increase the traffic of our website; However, this practice has generated a bad habit in some copys, since the internet is full of sensational headlines, but with unverified content.

How does clickbait work?

If you don’t know how clickbait works, keep in mind that being able to use this technique requires polishing copywriting in content writing. In this way, through persuasive elements we can hook the mind of the reader.

It is a hook technique, which will allow the user to stop browsing the internet, and click on your ad, in order to reach our website.

When we talk about Clickbait, we are not talking about a content marketing technique, but rather a technique that seeks to generate curiosity in the viewer, to monetize through the “click”.

To make use of it, it is important that you take into account certain elements:

Use interesting but real titles. It generates expectation, but with valuable content.
Add relevant data in the titles, these also catch the reader.
Generate empathy with the user, make them feel connected to what you are proposing.
Add a personal touch, and speak in the first person; address the audience in second person.

Advantages of using clickbait

Without a doubt, this marketing technique has a series of benefits to grow your online project, so the advantages of using clickbait are the following:

More attractive titles are created that arouse interest in the reader.
Increase visits to your website.
Improve the positioning of your web page.
Increase your brand image.
Allow your content to be shared more on social networks (greater virality is achieved).
Improve your online presence.

Disadvantages of using clickbait

Many people have given up on this marketing technique; since they have not used it properly. Among the most common disadvantages of using clickbait are the following:

misleading titles. Without a doubt, this is one of the most common failures. Attractive headlines are created with techniques and persuasive writing, but the following content does not add value, or is not what the user was looking for.
The image of your brand can be affected by the use of false content, or lacking credibility.
There may be penalties. Platforms like Facebook, or Google itself can penalize publications with this methodology used.

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