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How to improve your profile on Linkedin to increase your visibility?

How to make my Linkedin profile appear on Google. It is not enough to make a LinkedIn profile public; It is also necessary that it have relevance and visibility in the Google search engine.

In this case, we mean that it appears in the first search results on Google. Some tips to achieve this goal are the following:

update location

The best profiles always keep their location clear. Do not forget that LinkedIn aims to get jobs, jobs and professional contacts.

This type of information is always related to specific locations: jobs or jobs in Europe, in certain cities, among others…

Select the skills very well

You have to think as an employer: what are you looking for in human talent? The answer is: particular abilities to fulfill certain tasks.

Therefore, you have to put the skills very well. In this way, it is guaranteed to appear in searches with more certainty.

customize the url

This is something that goes unnoticed by many, but indeed the URL can be customized.

To do this, just follow these steps:

Click on the Me icon.
Choose: view profile.
Click on: “edit URL and public profile”.

The result is a typical address: As is to be expected, it is always easier to make specific and personalized issues visible on Linkedin than generic information. This is how the algorithm of this search engine establishes it!

have many recommendations

Other LinkedIn users can comment, make recommendations on your profile. By doing this, visibility is improved.

This is a way to give credibility to the profile and this issue is considered by Google to show a profile in a better position.

A good profile picture

This is useful to see the profile in Google in good places! Simply, you have to put a frontal photo that serves as a presentation. Why does it work? Well, the search engine will always make a profile with a photo more visible than one without it.

a good headline

It is that description that LinkedIn exposes below the name. This is important, since it reveals the area of work and job disposition.

It is key to write it with some SEO considerations (see later in this text) and that it has useful information for Google.

creative abstract

The LinkedIn statement is a section called “about”. Its mission is to present the professional side of the user.

Therefore, it is a summary of the profile and that can be read before reviewing all the content of the page. You have to write it with creativity, since it is usually read in the search engine.

SEO strategies on your profile

SEO must be applied to achieve full visibility in Google. This involves using links in posts, putting keyword descriptions on images (called alt text), curating content for posts, using anchor or internal linking between multiple profile posts, and more.

In the case of a Linkedin business page, it is advisable to use content that we can link to the business website to bring qualified and business traffic to our website.


Keywords are one of the foundations of SEO and perhaps the most important thing to achieve great visibility on Google.

It consists of choosing those words most searched for on the web and associated with the professional profile. These words have priority in the Google algorithm, and therefore your profile, or your Linkedin business page, will appear faster in the search engine.

It is important to select the keywords with certain criteria: according to the professional area (administration, construction, medicine…), as well as with respect to the geographical location of the person who owns the profile.

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